Denis F,Viger L,Wheeler A,Voog E,Letellier C. Detecting lung cancer relapse using self-evaluation forms weekly filled at home: the sentinel follow-up.SupportCareCancer.2014 Jan; 22(1):79-85.
Denis F,Viger L,Wheeler A,Voog E,Dupuis O,Y punch,Letellier C. Detection of lung cancer relapse using self-reported symptoms transmitted via an internet web-application: pilot study of the sentinel follow-up.SupportCareCancer.2014 Jun;22(6):1467-73.
Denis F,Yossi S,Septans AL,Wheeler A,Voog E,Dupuis O,Ganem G,Y punch,Letellier C. Improving Survival in Patients Treated for a Lung Cancer Using Self-Evaluated Symptoms Reported Through a Web Application.Am J ClinOncol.2015 Mar 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Denis F, Trémolières P, Lizée T et al. Clinical application of chaos theory in oncology. Interim results of the randomized multicentre phase 3 "SENTINEL" post-therapeutic monitoring trial by web-application of patients followed for bronchial cancer. 2015 SFRO Congress
Denis F,Lethrosne C,Pourel N,Molinier O,Y punch,Domont J,Bourgeois H,Senellart H,Tremolières P,Lizee T,Bennouna J,Urban T,El Khouri C,Wheeler A,Septans AL,Balavoine M,Landry S,Solal-Celigny P,Letellier C. Randomized Trial Comparing a Web-Mediated Follow-up With Routine Surveillance in Lung Cancer Patients.J Natl Cancer Inst.2017 Sep 1;109(9).
Denis F, Basch E,Septans AL, Bennouna J, Urban T, Dueck AC, Letellier C.Two-Year Survival Comparing Web-Based Symptom Monitoring vs Routine Surveillance Following Treatment for Lung Cancer. JAMA. 2019 Jan 22;321(3):306-307. doi: 10.1001/jama.2018.18085.
Denis F.Fontanet A, Le Douarin YM, Le Goff F, Jeanneau S, Lescure FXA Self-Assessment Web-Based App to Assess Trends of the COVID-19 Pandemic in France: Observational Study.J Med Internet Res. 2021 Mar 12;23(3):e26182. doi: 10.2196/26182.PMID: 33709945
Galmiche S, Rahbe E, Fontanet A, Dinh A, Bénézit F, Lescure FX,Denis FImplementation of a Self-Triage Web Application for Suspected COVID-19 and Its Impact on Emergency Call Centers: Observational Study.J Med Internet Res. 2020 Nov 23;22(11):e22924. doi: 10.2196/22924.PMID: 33147165
Denis F, Galmiche S, Dinh A, Fontanet A, Scherpereel A, Benezit F, Lescure FX.JEpidemiological Observations on the Association Between Anosmia and COVID-19 Infection: Analysis of Data From a Self-Assessment Web Application.Med Internet Res. 2020 Jun 11;22(6):e19855. doi: 10.2196/19855.PMID: 32496206
Denis F,Septans AL,Le Goff F, Jeanneau S, Lescure FX.Analysis of COVID-19 Transmission Sources in France by Self-Assessment Before and After the Partial Lockdown: Observational Study.J Med Internet Res. 2021 May 4;23(5):e26932. doi: 10.2196/26932.PMID: 33878018
Denis F, Septans AL,Periers L, Maillard JM, Legoff F, Gurden H, Moriniere S Correction: Olfactory Training and Visual Stimulation Assisted by a Web Application for Patients With Persistent Olfactory Dysfunction After SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Observational Study..J Med Internet Res. 2021 Jul 16;23(7):e32120. doi:10.2196/32120.PMID:34270442
Denis F.Maurier L, Carillo K, Ologeanu-Taddei R, Septans AL,Gepner A, Le Goff F, Desbois M, Demurger B, Silber D, Zeitoun JD, Assuied GP, Bonnot O Early Detection of Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Toddlers and Postnatal Depression by Mobile Health App: Observational Cross-sectional Study.JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2022 May 16;10(5):e38181. doi: 10.2196/38181.PMID: 35576565
The Du K, Septans AL, Maloisel F, Vanquaethem H, Schmitt A, Le Goff M, Clavert A,Zinger M,Bourgeois H,Dupuis O,Denis F, Bouchard SA New Option for Pain Prevention Using a Therapeutic Virtual Reality Solution for Bone Marrow Biopsy (REVEH Trial): Open-Label, Randomized, Multicenter, Phase 3 Study.J Med Internet Res. 2023 Feb 15;25:e38619. doi:10.2196/38619.PMID:36790852
Dubu J, Boyas S, Roland V,Landry S,Septans AL,Balavoine M, Bourgeois H,Y punch, Denis F, Letellier C,The Due K.Physical Activity Program for the Survival of Elderly Patients With Lymphoma: Study Protocol for Randomized Phase 3 Trial.JMIR Res Protoc. 2022 Nov 25;11(11):e40969. doi:10.2196/40969.PMID:36427234
Denis F,Voog E,Y punch, Bourgeois H, Seegers V,The Du K.Prospective study of a web-mediated management of febrile neutropenia related to chemotherapy (Bioconnect).SupportCareCancer. 2019 Jun;27(6):2189-2194. doi: 10.1007/s00520-018-4505-6. Epub 2018 Oct 10. PMID: 30306327
Oral communications / Posters

Dennis F et al. ASCO 2016 LBA 9006
Bourgeois H et al. AFSOS 2014